A todas las personas que han seguido mi trabajo, que han comprado mis abanicos, mis plumas y algún cuadro, os doy las gracias, siempre, de corazón. Tengo algunos problemas de salud, que vienen de años, y van degenerando, con bastante dolor físico, lo que me está dificultando seguir pintando al ritmo que lo hacía antes. Aquí, aviso que no puedo correr con los pedidos, voy muy despacio. Hay gente que lo va sabiendo. Seguiré pintando mis abanicos, porque amo mucho hacerlo, y siempre que el cuerpo me lo permita. Las cervicales me están matando 😬, tampoco las lumbares se portan bien. Todavía seguiré adelante, bastante más despacio y con alguna que otra limitación. Os saludo atentamente. Y siempre, gracias. 🎨 Y aquí, algunas malas fotos de fotos, de pinturas al óleo que ya no tengo, algunas personas las han comprado hace muchos años. ¡Gracias! Para ver más pinturas, pinchar la foto.

Fans and feathers

I have loved painting since early age. When I was a child I could spend full nights without sleeping drawing sketches and painting them crammed with countless details.
I began my studies at the National School of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano in Buenos Aires but had to interrupt them when I moved to Spain in 1979 at the age of 19. My best learning experience of my time in Argentina was in a hand-painted tapestry studio where I was hired first as a painter and later promoted to colourist. I was required to recreate the exact colour as in the pattern and I assure this was not always an easy task. I think of that studio as my university of colour. It recurrently returns to my mind in the form of a lost paradise where everything was possible and beauty reigned and commanded.
In Spain I continued painting and participating in exhibitions and contests. Many people bought my work. Thank you to them all for they hugely encouraged me to keep on painting.
The harshness of life has obliged me though to work in fields quite apart from art but I have always continued painting even if I have done it in a more sporadic fashion. I have alternated between work and unemployment (the latter having been rare though) and have always returned to my paintbrushes when work has been scarce as both a means of making my living and of finding my purpose in this frantic world.
I am growing older and I have definitely returned to my paintbrushes to stay. They make my living. I paint and colour with innumerable designs and motifs fans and feathers which constitute manageable and playful materials. This is my tribute to the country, Spain, which has hosted me for 32 years so far.
I wish everybody could find in the drawings and colours of my fans and feathers all the devotion and love I put in their making.

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